The Western Treatment Plant in Melbourne is to be modernised and will operate at the highest level of energy efficiency once completed. Until now, almost half of the wastewater from the Australian city has been treated using a combination of huge lagoon systems and activated sludge plants. This method is increasingly reaching its limits and can no longer meet the quality limits for discharge into Port Philip Bay. Over several years, the Western Treatment Plant in Werribee is now being gradually converted to conventional wastewater treatment with activated sludge tanks and its treatment capacity increased.
The innovative AEROSTRIP strip diffuser technology from AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau in Lower Austria is a key part of the solution, enabling significant energy and CO2 savings to be achieved. As part of the second expansion stage of the Western Treatment Plant, around 2,000 aerators were delivered to Australia in 2017 and installed in four newly constructed aeration tanks. A further 5,200 strip diffusers have now been ordered from Lower Austria for the next expansion stage and the most extensive phase. They are to be installed and commissioned in Werribee by the end of 2024. After the conversion, the Western Treatment Plant will treat around 485 million litres of wastewater per day. “We are very proud to be able to make a significant technological contribution to the success of this unique and internationally acclaimed wastewater treatment plant project with our solution,” emphasises Gerald Glaninger, Managing Director of AQUACONSULT Anlagenbau.
(Photos: BMD, Melbourne Water)